Christmas is just around the corner, and if you love to party, you've got plenty to look forward to. In truth, you may not need an excuse to let your hair down, and as you are in charge of a busy office at work, you certainly intend to get other people into the mood with your annual get-together. However, as this is your first time planning this particular soirée, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. But, you shouldn't worry, as success can be found in adequate preparation. But where do you start?

Dates and Venues

First of all, zero in on a date. Don't get too hung up on this, as you're never going to find the perfect slot on the calendar to satisfy everybody. Just make sure that it is logical and ideally on a Friday night so nobody has to work the following day.

Get in touch with venues as early as possible because, remember, there are only three pre-Christmas Friday nights available in December, and everybody else will have their eye on them as well.

Formal or Crazy?

What type of party is this going to be? Are you going to go all out and make it formal or is it going to be particularly festive, like a Christmas jumper affair? This may be dictated, to an extent, by your company culture and attendee base, so choose what you think will work to fit most tastes.

There and Back

What about transportation? If you've chosen a great venue that is a little off the beaten path, then you may have to arrange buses or taxis to get everyone there and, most importantly, make sure that they go home safely after a beverage or two.

It's a Numbers Game

Don't underestimate the head count and take all the spouses, partners, and children into account. You must make sure that the venue is large enough and will need to get all this information over to your caterers in plenty of time.

Catering Magic

Talking of caterers, don't even think about taking on the food and drink headache yourself. If you've chosen an unusual venue at a killer location, you may well have to bring in a catering team. However, they might have worked at this particular location before or will, in any case, be able to hit the ground running and make your night a success.

Just make sure that you give them the correct brief and provide them with the appropriate information as the event draws near. Remember, it's your responsibility to gather information about food allergies or dietary restrictions, but don't hold back on planning a holiday menu that will make the event a roaring success. Get in touch with a company that offers event catering supply services.
